вівторок, 13 грудня 2016 р.

I just told her that I won't talk with her in months as I'm changing my character.

- Why we can't you talk with me? - asked she with interest.
- I hate my character and I am changing it now.
- What do you wanna change in your character? - still it seemed surprised for her.
- A lot of things need to be changed. It doesn't matter for now. Nevermind.
- You can unfriend me. - she said with dissapointment.
- You said that so easy...
- What to do if don't wanna talk with me anymore? - her voice was upset.
- Okey then, bye-bye!
- All the best! - obediently she said.

It all was wrong from the beginning.
I didn't find enought confidence inside of me when we met. I thought I need some more time to figure out what kind of relationship I want. I made a mistake. You can't built friendship first and then love. Fuck. What a bullshit am I writting now?!

I was acting as an Omega insted of an Alpha.

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